Friday 22 March 2013


 Today we are so starved of accolades, that we chooses to proclaim and draw mileage out of silly “victories”, as a major diplomatic coup. In the recent stand-off between India and Italy the Government has made itself a laughing stock of the world.
We have not been able to take out time to pursue and ensure justice for martyred Capt Saurabh Kalia, and cross the continents, the Mafianos swiftly on their feet send their Defense Minister to negotiate the release of the Italian marines arrested for “allegedly” killing Indian Citizens. We getting killed, bombed, dying, raped, tortured, or taken hostages doesn’t seem to be a priority as we are a dime a dozen.
At least the Italians stood by their citizens in a way that we can only hope for ourselves.  This script is not to praise the Mafianos, but to discuss what we lost during whole period of cunny-diplomacy. They conveniently disputed the legality of the shooting incident from the start. But, finally if someone had a foot in their mouth, it was them. There is already talk that given the timing  when the Italians are investigating the ‘Agusta Westland Chopper scam’  there is indeed more than what meets the eye in this “deal”.
The amount of time spent playing ‘passing the parcel’ at the Foreign Ministry, and by the IFS lobby with Italian counterparts is depressing and infuriating. More so is the endless debating on the same at the Parliament. Who, where and when is the time to discuss the real issues of poverty and illiteracy?
Today, the Italians have landed and there has been much speculation about the famous assurance of our Foreign Minister for a mercy plea and no death sentence. There is also an unannounced assurance of letting them serve their time in Italy after judgment on the Indian soil. Is all this a drama, just an eye-wash for our ruminating audience or is there a murkier political game afoot?
Is the swift response of the Government a means to avert another in-house threat of Political instability, after having burned their hands with the DMK for Lanka? Are national issues like foreign policy going to be hijacked under regional pressures? Tomorrow, TMC (Didi, though already parted) will come for a 'Same Pinch’ for the Bangla Bhoi Bohin. And soon, Assam, Arunachal, Sikkim and Punjab will want to play ransom-ransom based on regional factors.
The marines have spent four weeks voting, this is after they were granted a “Christmas Holiday” in December. With Easter and Good Friday round the corner, another trip maybe in the offing. The amount of flying that the Italian Marines have been doing back and forth, they might as well join the Italian Air Force and take a frequent flyer membership.
Our national media is also hounding this issue because it makes for good television. Italian Marines better be careful when they return. The mood, he has been in, Justice Arnab Goswami will hunt you down at the airport itself!
The questions that no one is asking but which we need to ask ourselves are
  • Why is the State, and in particular the Minister for Law taking the accolades for a diplomatic victory because of what SC has done?
  • What business does Foreign Minister have, assuring that they will not be sentenced to death?
  • Does the Government pronounce judgment based on External Affair ties and Regional Political Pressures, or is it the privy of the courts to do so?
  • Why so much time has been spent in Lok Sabha on this discussion, when there are so many other pressing issues at hand?

Think India, THINK!!!

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