Thursday 21 March 2013


If the Urban Dictionary of SMS, social networking and, ever shortening expressions of disbelief and exclamations, were looking for a new coining today, then I definitely have a contribution – QPQBS. “Quid Pro Quo, But Sorry”, is a sorrowful tit for tat and an appropriate felicitation of ‘Sonia Madam’ for the not so spined DMK. The entire of episode of pulling out, getting raided, and then being apologized is very similar to what one sees in a ‘C’ Grade masala bollywood.

Two days back, the wheel-chaired politico King of the South, raises his voice for his men, which the close rivals believes is cover up. She digs up the parchments of 2007 and says, had the Goggled King done something then, at the peak of Elam War, then things could have been different. Later after a brief pause of uncertainty in the National Politics, the Prince of the King is raided by CBI, for a Luxury Car purchase done half a decade back. But the most dramatic event of the entire fairy tale was the Loud and Heartfelt volleys of regrets conveyed by the entire UPA brigade, which orders the CBI to suspend the raid for the time being.
This is no less than a “Mr Beans epic of Indian Constitutional Broadway,” and as I am writing this, sources say the casting for the same is underway at Ram Gopal Verma’s Studio. However, I am a common ‘mango’ maggot of this cocooned society who has an opinion. There are certain questions which arise in my naïve and sluggish mind, and I am looking for equally naïve and sluggish answers.

Question No 1  :          When did it occur to Mr Google King, that he must pull out of the Government.

Answer             :           On 15th March, Mr King felt it was “meaningless” to continue in the UPA unless we introduce amendments before the UNHRC that lead to prosecution of war criminals in Sri Lanka, and then four days later after in-house brain storming, he comes up with his master stroke for the Madam. He was very much aware that the Government, which is on a ventilator after the TMC pullout will not be able to take another stroke and the CPR for rescue will be his bait. If one looks at the entire scenario in isolation, it looks a well planned move, but what is perplexing is, why did not the UPA Brigade go for any pre-emptive mediation. I am sure there must have been some, but, did it fail because of individual arrogance or not so wise advice of the Madam’s loyalists.

Question No 2  :           Who ordered the raid and investigation against the Prince’s Chariots, and when?

Answer             :           We have an angelic PM and a chaste Mr Chidambaram, who are the fourth monkeys of Gandhi, and they have their hands on the most sensitive aperture of the body. Unfortunately, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence all of a sudden had a day dream and decided to raid the Prince without informing Mr Chidambaram, their boss, when all the literates in the country who have a subscription of News Paper and a connection of Digital TV, knew that the King had withdrawn the support from the Government. Really, so innocent our guts are.

Questions 3    :           Why has the CBI suddenly decided to stop raids and is ‘Lotus Gang’ justified in saying that Madam’s biggest ally is CBI?

Answer           :           All of a sudden, the drooling dream of CBI came to an end with a spank on their butts. Their telephones suddenly became the most buzzing thing in the world and they became a box of ridicules. There is no end to seeking justification for all the political poppycock, but indeed the sequence of events casts aspersions on the handling of CBI. But a surprising thing to note here is that, why no one said that the CBI is so independent that no one from the Government knew about the raids, rather they all went on a back track and started to say sorry. The CBI’s U-turn does indicate the UPA’s weapon of choice. I can only say “Choor Ke Daadi Mae Tinka”.  

Dear Readers, I get nauseated, the more I think about all these questions. There is no end to analyses and getting morose about these day to day Political gamble. But, as sound opinionated Indian we must catechize the following aspects.

  • We have no other option but look forward to coalitions in future. Is it becoming a tool of exchange to run this country?

  • Till when, there will be no functioning of Parliamentary sessions and the precious time of decision making will be lost to meaningless settlement of scores.

  • The independence of investigating agencies has been a question for a long time now, and poor Anna lost half of him in this battle. When will this be over?

  • In the world of “Ifs and Buts”, when will we have some firm answers?

  • Till when the stock markets keep tumbling on the uncertainty of a Government? Shouldn’t the whole economy become immune to the art and science of States administration?

  • Is it a strong message from Congress to Mulayam, Mayawati, and many others who have ideas for a political coup?

Think India, THINK!!

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