Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sam Bahadur - Happy Birthday

Sam Bahadur or "Sam the Brave" was one of the best loved Indian Generals we could have ever had.

Born Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw he was among the first 40 intakes of Indian Military Academy. He has been instrumental in delivering India many victories.

As the Army chief his tussles with then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi are legendary.
 He brought glory of victory to the Indian army (humiliated by the unconditional surrenders of 1947).

At the end of April 1971, Indira Gandhi asked Gen. Sam Manekshaw if he was ready to go to war with East Pakistan. Manekshaw refused, citing the dispersal of his formations, the state of armour, the pending harvest which would vie for rail carriage, the open Himalayan passes and the coming monsoon. She asked the Cabinet to leave the room and the Chief to stay back. 

Gen. Manekshaw offered to resign on the grounds she chose.
Indira said,”You cannot deny a PM and I have to run the country”.

Sam said, “ Madam, you run the country but I will run the Army. Had your father taken the advice of his General in 1962, we would have not lost”.
Later, she declined declined his resignation and asked for his advice, he sought permission to prepare for the conflict and set the date and said he would guarantee victory. She agreed and permitted the General to prepare in his own way. The rest is history.

Under his leadership we won the 1971 war against Pakistan and liberate Bangladesh. But that joy was to last only a few hours. First, Manekshaw disappointed her when she suggested a "cease fire" as in Kashmir and he refused to oblige. Then she disappointed him by returning the conquered territory to the enemy as reward while punishing own side.

Today’s Generals would do well to take lessons in handling civil-military relations from him. Sam never let the civil administration walk over him or his officers. He protected the dignity of the military brass against the onslaught of Indian bureaucrats with such ferocity which sadly has not been seen since.

Having been accused of planning a coup against Indira Gandhi he gave her a befitting reply "You have a long nose. So have I. But I don't poke my nose into other people's affairs.

Fondly calling her “Memsahib” but putting her in her place when it came to matters military. For this and many more beatings which the civil administration got at the hands of Sam he was later shunned by the ruling establishment as we all know.

Isn’t it a shame that the Field Marshal of India passes away and none among the Prime Minister, his Deputy or the Services Chief have time to pay last respects?

Pictures of politicians adorn many government offices walls but no place to honour one of the greatest soldiers of Mother India?

Government funded newspapers ads and hoardings flood wishing politicians on their birthdays and remembering those on their death anniversary. And the same govt does not have time to remember the soldier on whose sacrifices India was built?

Think Inida, THINK !!!

In remembrance of Sam Bahadur on  his 99th Birth Anniversary. We the TheThoughtfulIndian Team salute his sacrifices and courage which got India many military victories.

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