Wednesday 24 April 2013

Bharat Our Motherland

Bharat is the motherland of all Hindus. It is the birthplace for “Shantana Dharma” which has later been evolved into Hindu Dharma. Subsequent to many invasions by Afghans and Mughals the gene pool of the native Indian has been diluted. Bharat or Hindustan as it was once proudly known was not limited to India but included Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan.

The partition of Pakistan was the most unnatural phenomenon which resulted in the loss of numerous lives.

However what is striking is it after Partition in 1951, Hindus formed 22% of Pakistani population and today they have been reduced to less than 1.7%.These remaining Hindus “the minority” cannot own any property or even demand protection of their fundamental rights in Pakistan. They are forced to pay a Jaziya tax to Mujahideen if they want protection of their lives and dignity of their women. Abduction of Hindu women, especially unmarried girls is a common phenomenon. Thus, they are forced to marry their children in early childhood to offer some degree of protection. The wages they get is half for that of a Muslim. Hindus are considered untouchable and cannot even wear new clothes. Cows are cut openly in Hindu temples and idols desecrated. This paragraph has been adapted from here.

While on the other hand in India the Muslims have increased in multitudes from a mere 3 % in 1947 to more than 20% in 2011. Not only this, thanks to our “benevolent” “secular” government of India doing everything in its power to appease them. Isn’t it shameful that it is cheered when the PM of India says here that Muslims have first right over India’s resources. It seems like Hindus have been reduced to beggars and have to make do with whatever crumbs this government throws their way.

Illegal immigrants from Bangladesh are more than welcome to become traders and then form political parties in Assam and northeast but when our tormented Hindu brothers want refugee then it’s too much for the government.

Hindus and Hindus alone have first right to Hindustan which has been reduced to nothing more than divided vote banks to serve political interests.

Why is it that the interests of the majority of the country have been sacrificed at the altar of appeasing the minority?


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