Thursday 25 April 2013

India China - Brother In Arms?

The most recent stand-off between the Indian and Chinese military is an outcome of seeds sown during the effective negotiator Pt. Jawaharlal Lal Nehru and his “Panchsheel” agreement.  In 1961-62 jawans with ‘guns’ in their hands, stood on the chilling peaks of the Himalayas, were facing bullets on their chest and sacrificed their lives for the glory of their nation. The only show of patriotism of defense minister Krishna Menon. K. Menon was publishing an English daily called “Patriot” while followers of Karl Marx, Mao and Zhu Enlai were underground at the time of India-China war to do work hard as taught in the principles of Karl Marx.It is a bit disturbing when China has shown open aggression against India, across schools our young children our brainwashed to parrot “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai”. Innumerous instances have passed when we could have cemented our place in this sub-continent but due to lack of political will to exert itself, we have allowed China to take us for granted. The loss is only ours in terms of our national development, loss of our young soldiers, loss of peace and resources.
Time and again China has shown that it is not afraid of showing India its place. The last year has seen more than 100 intrusions by the Chinese within the Indian Territory. It is really shameful when we think that we have let such instances go by without retaliating. This laid back approach has encouraged our neighbors to think that they can walk all over us.The most recent conflict in which Chinese troops have intruded on 10 kms of Indian Territory is yet another example of their policy of keeping us on or toes. We can only hope that since China does not play cricket like Pakistan our esteemed leadership can come up with another solution to resolve this issue.As reported here in India Today that China after pitching camp several kilometers inside India, has been trying to put the blame on India for its transgressions.Quoted from the same article:During the last five-hour-long flag meeting, a belligerent China put conditions for withdrawing from Indian Territory. According to reports, China has asked the Indian Army to destroy certain fortified positions in the so called disputed territory in eastern Ladakh in return for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) removing its temporary camp in Depsang valley. This follows its demand that India freeze troop levels at the border stop night patrolling and lays off from tailing Chinese patrols. According to sources, India gave no commitment to the Chinese. It pointed out that there were five transgressions on April 15, including by a Chinese chopper. India also said the fortified posts were in eastern Ladakh, far away from where the incursion took place.Intruding into our territory and then blaming us for the same is seriously warped logic that is really difficult to digest. The question however remains whether Indian leadership will give a befitting reply or let China have this one again as they always have. Even blood brothers don’t let go of an inch of their land as evident from our epics. If this has been our tradition how can we let “Brother China” take away what is rightfully ours.
Isn’t it high time we stopped taking things lying down?

Doesn’t China have double standards for what it does itself and what it expects others to do?

Why is Indian leadership not responding to China in military fashion befitting an enemy?



  1. True!! India Needs to Buck up against China

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