Thursday 25 April 2013

India China - Brother In Arms?

The most recent stand-off between the Indian and Chinese military is an outcome of seeds sown during the effective negotiator Pt. Jawaharlal Lal Nehru and his “Panchsheel” agreement.  In 1961-62 jawans with ‘guns’ in their hands, stood on the chilling peaks of the Himalayas, were facing bullets on their chest and sacrificed their lives for the glory of their nation. The only show of patriotism of defense minister Krishna Menon. K. Menon was publishing an English daily called “Patriot” while followers of Karl Marx, Mao and Zhu Enlai were underground at the time of India-China war to do work hard as taught in the principles of Karl Marx.It is a bit disturbing when China has shown open aggression against India, across schools our young children our brainwashed to parrot “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai”. Innumerous instances have passed when we could have cemented our place in this sub-continent but due to lack of political will to exert itself, we have allowed China to take us for granted. The loss is only ours in terms of our national development, loss of our young soldiers, loss of peace and resources.
Time and again China has shown that it is not afraid of showing India its place. The last year has seen more than 100 intrusions by the Chinese within the Indian Territory. It is really shameful when we think that we have let such instances go by without retaliating. This laid back approach has encouraged our neighbors to think that they can walk all over us.The most recent conflict in which Chinese troops have intruded on 10 kms of Indian Territory is yet another example of their policy of keeping us on or toes. We can only hope that since China does not play cricket like Pakistan our esteemed leadership can come up with another solution to resolve this issue.As reported here in India Today that China after pitching camp several kilometers inside India, has been trying to put the blame on India for its transgressions.Quoted from the same article:During the last five-hour-long flag meeting, a belligerent China put conditions for withdrawing from Indian Territory. According to reports, China has asked the Indian Army to destroy certain fortified positions in the so called disputed territory in eastern Ladakh in return for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) removing its temporary camp in Depsang valley. This follows its demand that India freeze troop levels at the border stop night patrolling and lays off from tailing Chinese patrols. According to sources, India gave no commitment to the Chinese. It pointed out that there were five transgressions on April 15, including by a Chinese chopper. India also said the fortified posts were in eastern Ladakh, far away from where the incursion took place.Intruding into our territory and then blaming us for the same is seriously warped logic that is really difficult to digest. The question however remains whether Indian leadership will give a befitting reply or let China have this one again as they always have. Even blood brothers don’t let go of an inch of their land as evident from our epics. If this has been our tradition how can we let “Brother China” take away what is rightfully ours.
Isn’t it high time we stopped taking things lying down?

Doesn’t China have double standards for what it does itself and what it expects others to do?

Why is Indian leadership not responding to China in military fashion befitting an enemy?


Wednesday 24 April 2013

Bharat Our Motherland

Bharat is the motherland of all Hindus. It is the birthplace for “Shantana Dharma” which has later been evolved into Hindu Dharma. Subsequent to many invasions by Afghans and Mughals the gene pool of the native Indian has been diluted. Bharat or Hindustan as it was once proudly known was not limited to India but included Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan.

The partition of Pakistan was the most unnatural phenomenon which resulted in the loss of numerous lives.

However what is striking is it after Partition in 1951, Hindus formed 22% of Pakistani population and today they have been reduced to less than 1.7%.These remaining Hindus “the minority” cannot own any property or even demand protection of their fundamental rights in Pakistan. They are forced to pay a Jaziya tax to Mujahideen if they want protection of their lives and dignity of their women. Abduction of Hindu women, especially unmarried girls is a common phenomenon. Thus, they are forced to marry their children in early childhood to offer some degree of protection. The wages they get is half for that of a Muslim. Hindus are considered untouchable and cannot even wear new clothes. Cows are cut openly in Hindu temples and idols desecrated. This paragraph has been adapted from here.

While on the other hand in India the Muslims have increased in multitudes from a mere 3 % in 1947 to more than 20% in 2011. Not only this, thanks to our “benevolent” “secular” government of India doing everything in its power to appease them. Isn’t it shameful that it is cheered when the PM of India says here that Muslims have first right over India’s resources. It seems like Hindus have been reduced to beggars and have to make do with whatever crumbs this government throws their way.

Illegal immigrants from Bangladesh are more than welcome to become traders and then form political parties in Assam and northeast but when our tormented Hindu brothers want refugee then it’s too much for the government.

Hindus and Hindus alone have first right to Hindustan which has been reduced to nothing more than divided vote banks to serve political interests.

Why is it that the interests of the majority of the country have been sacrificed at the altar of appeasing the minority?


Monday 15 April 2013

Katju - The New Best Friend of Jail-Birds

A latest SMS which has gone viral amongst the prisoners in Tihar reads –  
Dear Friends, Contact Justice Katju.. He is our only saviour

Press Council of India (PCI) Chairperson, Justice Markandey Katju is probably the new best friend of approximately 313,635  convicts who are in various jails of the country. He recently shot to fame in the Munna Bhai’s case where he wrote to Governor of Maharastara seeking pardon for Sanjay Dutt on humanitarian grounds under Article 162 of the Constitution, after the apex court had upheld his five-year sentence in the 1993 blasts case. It seems the Honorable Justice has some draft letters ready on his desktops, he just changes names and addressees’ and forwards them. The last one written to President Pranab Mukherjee seeking pardon for Devender Pal Singh Bhullar who has been awarded death sentence in connection with the 1993 Delhi bomb blast case.

Justice Markandey Katju was born in Lucknow, in a Kashmiri Pandit family. He topped the merit list of the Allahabad University's LL.B. examination, practiced law in the Allahabad High Court and specializes in Labour Law, Taxation and Writ Petitions. He served as Supreme Court Judge for five years and his courtroom was one of the fastest disposing off 100-plus matters in a week. His strong belief in judicial restraint has been contrasted with some unconventional opinions that he has delivered. The contradiction may be partly explained in his own words: "A judge should restrain from challenging policy decisions in economic matters by the Government, though be an activist in cases of personal liberty." Guess, the cases of Sanjay Dutt and Bhullar fall in the domain of his personal liberties.

He has actually been the Rakhi Sawant of the Judiciary, always surrounded by controversies. Addressing a seminar organized by the South Asia Media Commission, and subsequently in several articles and interviews, he has said that 90 per cent of Indians are idiots sand 80 percent Hindus and 80 percent Muslims are communal. He justified his statement on the ground that 90% of Indians vote in elections on the basis of caste and religion and not on the merit of candidates, 90% Indians believe in astrology, etc. Wisdom to clarify his own remarks came to him when two students sent him legal notice. He later clarified his remark by saying that it was meant to awaken people to the realities of social evils like casteism and communalism. Ahh… sir, this is a good one.

As a judge, his plain-speak did not rattle the apex court as much as he has discomforted the hues of politicians, in his short stint as Chief of the Press Council of India (PCI). His differences with Arun Jaitley, Modi, Nitish and of course his remarks against Mamta, that she is 'dictatorial, intolerant, whimsical' are no hidden secrets.

In 2007 while hearing the Bihar Fodder Scam of Supreme Court, his bench said, "Everyone wants to loot this country. The only deterrent is to hang a few corrupt persons from the lamp post". Getting personal on the issue but understanding his limitation he remarked, “The law does not permit us to do it, but otherwise we would prefer to hang the corrupt”. Read here.

It is difficult to predict Justice Katju, as he defines his logic with continuously changing beta curves and pixletes of grey. His scholastic image has taken a beating because of his strange and woebegone comments and actions, which are not expected from a person of his eminence.

In the end, we sincerely hope and pray that Justice and only Justice alone is delivered, and leave our leaders with following questions to cogitate—

  • Are the actions of Justice Katju, as the Chairman of PCI, justified? Should there be a code of conduct for people of his stature and position?
  • What can be the reasons for his actions? A genuine concern to bring a change or an act of publicity?
  • Is he the new Baba Ranchordas Chandad (3 Idiot) of the modern India?
  • Why should judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court be eligible for jobs in the Government after retirement? In some cases the pre-retirement judicial conduct of a judge is influenced by the desire to get a post retirement assignment. Similar examples are evident in other bureaus such as IAS, CBI and IPS.

Think India, THINK !!!

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Saturday 13 April 2013

The Blue Beret Indians

The inscription on the oak paneling of the Chetwode Hall at the Indian Military Academy says -

The safety, honour and welfare of your country come first, always and every time. 
The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next.
 Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time.
If one needed a modern case study to comprehend this deep-rooted directive of Field Marshal Philip Walhouse Chetwode, then there is no better example than the gallant act of our soldiers in South Sudan. Five Indian brave hearts attained there martyrdom, fighting on a foreign soil with foreign rebels on April 9th, while being deployed as part of the United Nations Peacekeepers. Four others are still battling for their lives, and may be a few are missing.

Here is what features on a National Daily - The killings would have been much worse had it not been for the bravery of these soldiers. I think they ought to feel very proud of what they have done even though they are all devastated by the loss of the five UN peacekeepers. Read here..

India is a major contributor to UN peacekeeping force and as on date has about ten thousand soldiers deployed in remote parts of the globe. Till date approximately 150 soldiers have died in UN missions alone, not to mention the 1200 who sacrificed their lives in IPKF, Sri Lanka.

The mandates of the peacekeeping forces in different countries have been clearly spelt out by the UN Security Council, and in most cases it is reduced to “protection of civilians”. The soldiers deployed to stabilize an armed rebellion have been equipped with big words and their rights to open fire have been essentially reduced to self defense alone. However, the intent of this write up is not to question the mandate or generate an argument against the rules of engagement specified by the UN.

The martyrs have not only kept the honour of the Tri Colour, but have also etched a name for themselves in the annals of South Sudan. The amount of respect that Indian soldiers command in such international and multi-national environments undeniably proves their professionalism, fortitude and ability to act under uncertain circumstances. Not only men but the women peacekeepers have also earned equal accolades in all fields (read an account here).

Our soldiers have been actively involved in saving the lives of the bereaved citizens of these troubled countries who are often caught between two warring factions. Indian Peacekeepers have an excellent rapport among the common populace and have been assisting the local governments in nation building by undertaking numerous missions of support, such as building schools, hospitals, rehabilitation of internally displaced people, medical camps etc.

The moral and ethics of our soldiers has no parallel when compared to other Armies, and the same has been commended on various occasions by the governments of the host nations.

In the end we leave you with a story of Captain Raj Mohindra, which he has narrated in his article, when he was in Italy in 1967.. 
        “The soldiers from all armies except the Indian Army indulged in rape, molestation and plunder. One of the elderly ladies present told us how she was being chased by two Allied soldiers when an Indian soldier intervened and protected her. He told them not to harm her because she was his sister. In another instance a posse of Indian soldiers voluntarily guarded an apartment building and prevented soldiers of the other Allied armies from entering it. There were numerous stories of heroism like this. These marvelous episodes bore testimony to the ethical standards and professionalism of the Indian Army”.

 We, at The Thoughtful Indian salute our heros’ 
Jai Hind 

Friday 12 April 2013

Open Letter and Rebuttal to Mr Andre

In the December 2012 edition of Counter Punch, a political newsletter of USA, an article on the apathy of India written by Mr Andre Vltchek was published. Read it here..

This is an open letter and rebuttal to Mr Andre, seeking his lopsided ideological views..


Dear Mr Andre,

One is really sorry to hear and sympathizes with the narration of your horrible times in India. We are sure that the actual agony and pain must have been much more than what you could pen down. In fact, we were surprised that you forgot to mention that you didn't find toilet papers in your hotel room and that Indians prefer to use the appendages at the end of the human arm to clean there manure. Well, nothing much can be done about it, as it is an inheritance. Please don't think that we want to justify our sanitary habits or want to contest your acrimonious and arrogant style of writing sarcasms, which seems to be your only style of writing (a quick search on the internet makes it obvious). In India we are very open to accepting such unidirectional self opinioned comments from people born with a silver spoon. Frankly, as one can see, you don't understand the meaning of a developing nation and associated aspects. 

India, as you have correctly pointed, hypocritically safeguards the country. The contrast of the inconveniences at the airports, metros and hotels viz-a-viz the reactions during riots, slums and elections have been drawn with an excellent articulation. But there is some things which you conveniently chose to forget - the omnipresent threat of an eccentrica and unstable neighbor. We are sure, you won’t understand it much because your shallow research of facts, negativity, distress of being checked frequently and not being allowed to film VVIP locations, which restricted your logical thinking.

After reading your article one gets a sense that you have spend a lot of time in India and other countries also, for which you must have definitely checked-in a numerous times at US airports (where you live). Here are some horror stories which, probably you did not notice or were too busy in your cocooned thoughts.

Embarrassing measures of U.S. airport security check..Read here..   And this.. 
A Mother’s nightmare at US airport….Read here..

We are sure; no one would have done this to you at the wooden box, which you mentioned, because we have our own balls to protect ourselves.

Picking selective, advantageous and targeted excerpts from research papers do not justify the arguments of custodial deaths or Kashmir. We don’t think you have been to Kashmir, otherwise you would have mentioned that in your article to display the gallant. In fact, instead of investigating some hard facts of terrorism and the prosperity that Kashmir is making today, you were busy malingering the horrible state of Human Rights violations. One has only heard the abhorrent stories of pissing on prisoners by US soldiers and the numerous muslims, pushtoons and turbaned Indians who disappeared from New York after 9/11. But you see Mr Andre, we didn’t go on with publishing biased, ignorant, disillusioned and cynical point of views.

As Indians, we believe to be pro-active rather than reactive, which in most cases people are. We are sorry that you had to fill a form, surrender a repugnant photograph of yours and may be wait for few hours before making a call. Such measures have been adopted after analyzing the fact that most of the Improvised Explosive Devices are triggered using a mobile phones. Logical reasoning and preventive measures seems to be missing in your biggety dictionary. Condoms must be also not making any sense to you, or do they? Old proverb, just as a tip – “Prevention is better than cure”.

Ahhh.. you have point, why should we have the statues and paintings in museum of those British murderers, who used to rule and plunder us. Sad, very sad indeed. If not much of a trouble, can we request you to please look at the meaning of some simple words known as – History, Museum and Posterity.

History -  A usually chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events.

Museum - A building, place, or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value.

Posterity - all future generations of people.

We think that you went to a wrong place which people call a museum. You should have tried our Zoo’s or Circus, apt for a man of your taste. And believe me, you would have got some nice pictures to cherish.

Comparing two economic segments of a society is not an analysis, rather it is called dramatization, an attribute which will help you make better documentaries and write satires, but are of no use when it comes to understanding the dynamics and mechanics of the largest, and also a successful democracy.

In the end, the kind hearted but no-nonsense tolerant people of this country, will request you Not, repeat Not make any more visits and undergo a self-perceived and exaggerated suffering. And if you still chose to visit this country of diversity, culture, ethics, economic accomplishments and etiquettes, kindly contact us for therapy to correct your paranoid and cynically short sighted vision and outlook in life. People like you in developed countries have the largest cache of obtuse, ill-advised and baseless opinions, but fortunately we don’t need one.

PS : Please try using a lot of ‘We’ instead of ‘I’ while writing. It will help you become a better man…